Tech IndustryJul 8, 2022

Do you feel veterans at Tableau are salty by Salesforce acquisition?

I feel like people are judging Salesforce efforts a little too hard making it seem like now working at Tableau is way worse than before. Nothing that Salesforce touches becomes bad, they are experts at management and anything they touch becomes able to make millions in revenue, thus the changes. But they are not all that bad or are they? Are these just salty people who got mad and are prejudiced against Salesforce just because they are reordering everything? What’s the deal here? I feel like salty veterans drastically lower actual ratings #Tableau #Complaints

BanOnAWS Jul 8, 2022

I’m salty about your lack of TC

HashiCorp noreferral Jul 8, 2022

They may be making money in short term. But not long term. I feel that Salesforce is now more of quarterly or annually driven rather than thinking of long term. There's nothing wrong about it as this is what wall street likes.

Salesforce j63ejy Jul 8, 2022

Salesforce did make Tableau worse. There's no way we could have made it better