Do you think Hamas has the right to keep hostages?

If they want ceasefire, they should release all the hostages. That’s the first step and min requirement. If they are not willing to release them, how can ceasefire happen? If they release all the hostages and Israel still continues to attack Gaza, I’m all for the students. Currently, there are still about 100 hostages. If Hamas and their sympathizers think they have the right to keep hostages for whatever reason, then please don’t whine. War is the only solution.

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hamfolio May 7

Please get a grip. You're talking about a conflict between two groups who both literally believe in their bones they are the main character in the Old Testament narrative. Both sides are entirely brainwashed from birth from their nation-state ran supernatural cult education system. The contemporary Israelis and Zionists have basically no relation to the Ancient Israelites. Even if that ancestral connection was 100%, it is entirely non-sequitir to say "this is the homeland that was intended for me, it says so here in this work of literature". It is the equivalent of Hume's razor. Populations move and shift over time, even bottlenecked populations like Ashkenazim. People like Sue Wojicki and scientists even assign the meaning of SNP genetic variants to what they believe is the "proper" identity, seen through the lens of Jewish Zionists. Transplanting the Jews to their imagined "homeland", where they had not been for over a millennia, is insane -- it was originally Hitlers idea, but the native Arab populations were not a fan. The British (specifically, the Rothschilds) accomplished this feat in 1958. The Palestinians are members of an equally insane cult that happened to get stepped on. In no way does this absolve them, or grant permission. They have lost any claim on moral superiority. They have been compromised, are politically corrupt, brain drained, and a substantial motivating portion of the people left are brainwashed retards, IQ75 cousin marrying animals and murderers putting children on top of missile installations in the name of God. > War is the only solution. You fucking cretin. You child. If war was any kind of solution this would have been solved before you were born. The problem is that everyone basically thinks like you do, especially in the halls of power.

Google gUdj4i May 7

Hamas' official position is that they aren't hostages, they are guests. And they can't identify who their guests are, if they are alive, or that they may leave, because the conditions on the ground don't allow it

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Microsoft midsore OP May 7

Become you are on the weak side

Microsoft midsore OP May 7

Any way you call is fine, it’s just like US vs ISIS. It’s funny to see the weaker whining