Do you write a cover letter?

So it seems like for engineers writing a cover letter is largely not required and not something you would be penalized for. What's the trend for finance roles? Do you still need a cover letter and what do you guys usually write in it? Do you have a template that you just circulate or do you really write individual cover letters for each firm that you apply too? I've heard from recruiters that cover letters usually hurt candidates more than benefiting them...What's your go to strategy?

IBM ๐ŸŽญj Jun 23, 2019

Imagine not having friends in every company worth working for that you can get referrals from

VMware tyxS31 Jun 23, 2019

Never for the last 15 years

Intel BOBBY_AXE Jun 24, 2019

I still use one strategically at times (sales). Every submission is different, also depends on how you're applying. If you have a recruiter involved, you dont need one, since the initial screen call acts as the cover letter. If you're applying blind online, and the company/role is high level, and if I have any worries about my resume matching the posting, I will write one, especially if the online submission form has a cover letter upload tab. IMO, it can never hurt, only help, and at worst it's negligible. Costs you nothing to do it. I made one core version awhile ago and simply modify and customize depending on the role and specifics of the job, so the letter speaks to what they want to hear from my experience. I also send post-interview thank you emails when possible. Has never hurt me.

Edward Jones PboL66 Jun 24, 2019

I have been in the process of applying to jobs (financial analyst), and have a template where I change details for each company that I apply to. I got complimented for one at the 3rd/final interview at one company I got an offer at. I donโ€™t think itโ€™s a hard requirement and Iโ€™m sure it never gets a glance at times, but if it only takes a few minutes, why not? I canโ€™t think of a situation where it would hurt, so Iโ€™m curious why a recruiter told you it would hurt you.