
Does Airbnb provide work phones?

Joining in a few months and I'm curious: if you're a SWE at Airbnb, does the company provide you with a work phone? If not, does the company make you install any apps on your personal phone? Any MDM (mobile device management) apps, or anything else? TC: 400k #airbnb #tech #workphone #swe

FedEx r0undbo Mar 30

With 400tc you sure as hell can buy a $15 line dedicated for work

Google blindly__ OP Mar 30

Lol it's not about money. More concerned about privacy. In the past, I've always opted for a company provided work phone, because (at many companies) if you want to use your personal phone for work, they make you install apps that can effectively spy on you. Hoping to do a work phone at Airbnb too

Red Hat @available Mar 31

Still you can have separate phone for work@35$/line with the device if you are that concerned about privacy and I don’t know why if it is not about money.

Google jwos Mar 30

Is 400k the Airbnb tc? For what level?

Google blindly__ OP Mar 30

Senior SWE. seems to indicate senior can go even higher

Meta EWbG8 Mar 30

Certain people can opt to get a company phone such as heavy oncalls. But most people just use their own phones and get reimbursed. I don't remember what they made us install but there's no heavy MDM, at least not like at Meta.

Google blindly__ OP Mar 30

Thanks, I was at Meta before, that's what was on my mind. Good to hear there's no crazy MDM

Airbnb jAVM53 Mar 30

Yes we do but I don't know anyone who decides to use a work phone here

Google blindly__ OP Mar 31

Oh interesting. So people get to choose before they join whether they want a work phone or to just use their personal phone? Someone already answered this but I'll double check: if you use your personal phone, what work-related apps do you have to install?

Airbnb jAVM53 Mar 31

You can decide to get a phone once you join. I use work Slake and Gmail on my phone