PoliticsSep 11, 2019
Credit KarmaEllisDee25

Does Capitalism Fuel Modern Bigotry?

Most of us work collectivly and live in densly populated communities, but we are put in a position of competition for jobs, housing, resources. Does this help drive bogotry and resentments? Regular people also have no meaningful control over the economy. Does this lead some to scapegoat “undeserving freeloader” groups in society or “invading” outside groups for economic misfortune like feudal villiagers blaming witches for a bad harvest? [Yes, there was bigotry in the past, but I don’t think modern bigotry is simply a holdover. First, specific forms of bigotry have changed a lot - witch hunts are no longer the persacution of women suspected of being literal witches. Second, many beliefs died out entirely: few people today care - and you’re not a social/legal outcast - if you were born out of wedlock, for example. So if the counter-argument is “bigotry is always around/humam nature” then the question is, why the specific forms of bigotry we see today rather than anti-bastard bigotry or anti-red head bigotry?]

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Walmart pingpongl4 Sep 11, 2019

Bro chill with your capitalism = evil bs

Credit Karma EllisDee25 OP Sep 11, 2019

Would you rather only hear the liberal view: ”responsible capitalism is great... capitalism is great except for mean Walmart and sometimes Amazon.” Or the conservative one: “capitalism is great... capitalism would mean total freedom except for those millennials and feminists and mooches and liberals and minorities who simply fail to fall into line and shut up.”

Walmart pingpongl4 Sep 11, 2019

Capitalism = ❤ Stop bullying capitalism

Amazon weeeeeeee Sep 11, 2019

Capitalistic societies are the least bigoted, historically speaking. Look at how it fairs against communism, socialism, or really any other economic model. Capitalism fuels globalism, which increases acceptance amongst groups of people.

Credit Karma EllisDee25 OP Sep 11, 2019

Hmm, not sure how this could be measured since bigotry is so qualitatively different between feudalism and now. Racism didn’t exist (at least not biologically based racism) until capitalism and modern science and colonialism. The concept of homosexuality (as an essential category of people... rather than just an act that someone engages in) didn’t exist until the Victorian age. It’s a big claim and you may want to consider things like the capitalist world regarding colonization, Jim Crow, new world slavery, and the period of the 1920s-1940s in Europe and Japan. Objectively I think anyone would have to say that bigotry has played a major role in history during the last few hundred years of capitalism.

Walmart pingpongl4 Sep 11, 2019

>Racism didn't exist until capitalism. LMAO what??????? Are you a troll????

Microsoft gt2 Sep 11, 2019

stop this bs. Just go to China or Russia.

Credit Karma EllisDee25 OP Sep 11, 2019

But they are also capitalist. I’ll stay in the US for the nominal free speech where no one tells you to gtfo if you don’t adhere to their beliefs.

Microsoft gt2 Sep 11, 2019


Microsoft TrumpWins Sep 11, 2019

Don’t even engage with the OP. He thinks Marx, Lenin, and Hitler were capitalists.

Credit Karma EllisDee25 OP Sep 11, 2019

No, not Marx or Lenin. And Hitler was ideologically fascist. Capitalists in Nazi Germany (and elsewhere) ended up supporting him though.

Apple Snut Ella Sep 11, 2019

Wester capitalist democracies are some of the least bigoted states in history. We’re not perfect but we’re better than nearly anything else.