Tech IndustryJul 3, 2019

Does DISNEY hire SWEs without a CS background?

I've been eyeing a Disney Streaming SWE job (Edit: Entry Level) in NYC. But I heard that it's close to impossible to get an interview with Disney's tech division if you don't have a CS degree (equivalent). Wondering how true this is? Background: Business degree, coding bootcamp graduate. Start-up experience.

Add a comment Punani Jul 3, 2019

Do you have any SWE working experience?

codev OP Jul 3, 2019

Yes. Limited. 5 months at a small startup. Punani Jul 3, 2019

Unless the position you are looking for is a grad position, otherwise very unlikely that their recruiters would consider you. But for grad positions big companies usually want people with CS background. You probably need a few more years of SWE experience, and practise leetcode to a point where you solve problems even in your dreams . Also learn system design.

Chase 8==D~ Jul 3, 2019

I’m surprised there is still interest from developers in joining a company like Disney, given how they attempted to replace their IT staff with h1b contractors. OP - aim higher if you can. Disney is not a great place for tech workers.

codev OP Jul 3, 2019

Good to know. I guess I felt like Disney would be a good "resume builder" for someone like me who doesn't have a CS degree and didn't go to a top school. And DSS is hiring like crazy right now because of Disney +

Capital One BAY CON Jul 5, 2019

Disney has had a lot of bad publicity from that incident, but the reality is they’re huge and that was only one division (I think something with the parks?) that outsourced to cognizant who uses h1b. I’ve heard Disney+ is a really good engineering org and pays well above average (although not competitive with FAANG)

Disney burutchai Jul 3, 2019

Not true. As long as you got the right experience, and pass the interview.

codev OP Jul 3, 2019

Thanks. Btw How is they're interview process in terms of difficulty? Is it like FANG-level hard or a bit easier?

Disney burutchai Jul 3, 2019

Not like FAANG. While it’s good to study Leetcode, I would allocate time for system design and framework architecture