Does Linkedin hire SDETS/Automation Engineers?

I'm an SDET with 6 YOE and interested in joining LinkedIn, but never seen this role posted by them. Do they have Automation/SDET roles or do they get devs to do that? #linkedinhiring #linkedin TC: πŸ₯œ

LinkedIn null ref Dec 23, 2022

We don’t have dev/test environments. We do our shit live with constant integration.

Move Kfni00 OP Dec 23, 2022

don't you need to have end to end tests running? Or do you rely on manual QAs to test live? Or is there no testing at all? Or do devs do all the testing?

wkdnw1 Dec 23, 2022

I can tell

LinkedIn L31p9F Dec 24, 2022

Having no SDETs is a common thing in the industry. LinkedIn is included. There is, however, a tools team that’s responsible for CI automation and test frameworks. Same interview questions as most other software engineering roles.

quasd Dec 27, 2022

LOL basically same stuff as SDET but call it a tools team. Like calling Devops Engineer as Platform Engineer these days.

Move Kfni00 OP Dec 28, 2022

Could you describe what test frameworks or technologies they are using for automation? So I could study those