Tech IndustryMar 30, 2023

Does University rank or Course name matter in job search?

Background: Bachelor's in Chemical/Process Engineering Analytics or DS experience - 4 years in India. I learned most of ML or Data Science stuff on my own, using YouTube and other blogs. Proficient at Python and SQL. The main intention of the masters was to go to the US and get a better paying job there. I am planning to complete my ms in 1.5 years or 3-4 semesters. Mainly interested in Data Eng and Data science roles. Not great at DS/Algo/Leetcode - but willing to invest some time on them. University - 1 (QS ranking around 600) MS - Information Systems Cost - 33k tuition for 3 semesters. I might get some RA or TA position from 2nd semester, but not certain. University - 2 (QS ranking around 1300) MS - Industrial Eng with spl in Data science Cost - 24k tuition for 3 semesters. got a graduate assistant position (pays 4k usd per semester) with possible chance of conversion to Research Assistant from 2nd semester which will waive my remaining tuition fee. Which university should I choose? From a financial perspective it seems University - 2 is better, but I am worried if college or course name can hinder my chances in Job search or resume short listing. Pls share your thoughts/suggestions. #data #dataanalytics #datascience #dataengineer #techcareer #higherlearningtech #msinus #india

6 Participants
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NetApp rheuej Apr 3, 2023

Difference is not much no? It’s a name which will be associated with you forever, why cheap out ?

Amazon dryoxide OP Apr 4, 2023

Yea I agree tuition wise. But the class size of university-1 is large (~400) with >70% Indians. They are increasing the intake YoY by 20-30%. I got to know from current students that this makes the things difficult to get any RA/on-campus jobs. Hardly 10-20 students get them.

Amazon dryoxide OP Apr 4, 2023

At this point I feel like both universities are not that different and they have =~70% acceptance rate. At least University-2 has less batch size (=~50).

Brillio quoI48 Apr 5, 2023

Can u help me with university names?