Does a CS degree matter for managers at Google?

So a CS degree doesn’t seem to matter for engineers, but what about EMs? I seem to hear that it doesn’t, but when I last interviewed at Google nearly all of the managers not only had a BS, mostly in CS or other technical subjects, but they also have advanced degrees. Just trying to figure out if the hiring committee actually takes degrees in consideration. Thank you!

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Uber marywelsh May 29, 2021

In your post you said *nearly all* .. that answers your question

Capital One 754lxr OP May 29, 2021

Yup, just wanted to hear from others. My sample size wasn’t that big.

Google iote May 29, 2021

A degree helps you get the interview. Once you have done the interviews, those alone will determine if you get the position or not. The HC doesn’t care about your degrees at that stage.

Facebook 🅱️sc May 29, 2021

Having sat on HC at Google myself, they do consider the candidates background including degrees. Though you are right that the main thing that matters is still interview performance.

Google iote May 29, 2021


Google IvNa37 May 29, 2021

It’s not a requirement. For tlm, it might be highly relevant, since you also need to get involved in tech problems. For EMs, many of them are not from cs background.

Capital One 754lxr OP May 29, 2021

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you.

Google lcxt May 30, 2021

Yes. Most managers at Google are hired at L6 and the requirement technically is somewhere between and L5 and L6 equivalent SWE. So think about it this way. How many L6 SWE don't have a degree?