DiversityMay 15, 2018
FireEye IpjQ17 OP May 15, 2018

What his girlfriend had to say about it.

Credit Karma EllisDee25 May 15, 2018

No, it made him unpopular with the people working there. He got heckled because of his hat, not his ethnicity. Boo hoo, sensitive conservatives think that being unpopular is oppression. I’d have sympathy if conservative politics wasn’t mostly about supporting or making excuses for actual oppression. Sorry, getting taunted as if you were wearing the hat of another town’s football team might suck but it is not the same as the systematic targeting of the poor through the courts and police; not the same as being collectively called a rapist and murderer because of where you were born: not the same as US allies using their military to shoot thousands of unarmed protesters while celebrating a land grab.

Apple AppleyMan May 15, 2018

Wow! They majority of racism and vitriol seems to be coming from the left. I am a black conservative and had my share of encounters but this is beyond infuriating!

PooChoo May 15, 2018

Isolated incident == "majority" lmao.

FireEye IpjQ17 OP May 15, 2018

So a black guy wearing a MAGA hat is even more marginalized than a black guy wearing an Obama or Clinton hat. .... That's very interesting. What is even more interesting is WHO is doing the marginalization in this case. Are they concerned about marginalized groups or not? Which is it? I'm confused about that now.

Wells Fargo Paperboi May 15, 2018

This all comes back to race vs identity. A singular black man doesn’t own it to anyone to represent an entire culture and this is where all the hate is coming from. For all the talk about equality, even some liberals suck at letting minorities be individuals. “How can a black person wear that hat?!?!”

Uber DAmZP3 May 15, 2018

"How dare you! You are MY pet, not Trump's!"