Tech IndustryMar 20, 2020

Does diversity really benefit companies?

I keep hearing about how diverse companies perform better than non-diverse ones. Does anyone have studies that proves this true? What if you have a company that has a large representation of european, indian, middle eastern, and asian, but not much black or latino representation? is that company cosidered diverse & succesful? #diversity

Microsoft TrumpWins Mar 20, 2020

Microsoft, Google, PayPal, Netflix, Valve, Facebook, Amazon, Oracle, etc. All massively successful companies started by white dudes. Not saying there’s anything special about white dudes, just that growth often comes when everyone has similar mindset and isn’t distracted by trivialities

Facebook mzyx Mar 20, 2020

You nailed it!

Microsoft Hrgf72 Mar 20, 2020

No, it's the other way around: White dudes had all the resources to succeed in business while everyone else had to apply all effort to "deal with trivialities" or just to survive.

VXAP41 Mar 20, 2020

I’m a asian woman myself. Most “diversity” policies these days are feel-good politics, companies want to look good in the eye of the public even at the cost of damaging all potentially good candidates and employees. White men are evil no matter what they do, women are hired because they make the numbers look good and then you have to go the extra mile to proof to everyone that you’re not just a diversity hire. People are no longer being treated as individuals. The ironic thing is I’ve had female leaders that kept pitching how we should hire more women and then turn around and promote one of the only people in the company who’s been super obviously condescending and disrespectful toward women. Nowadays when I come across companies that push way too hard for “diversity” it’s just a red flag for me, id rather work for a company that evaluate everyone on a individual level.

Facebook mzyx Mar 20, 2020

You nailed it too. I'm black and honestly some days I feel like someone just wanted to hire me because of my color.

Google JordanBd Mar 20, 2020

Someone should make a manifesto on this sentiment so that the media tone changes. If this was out in the open they wouldn’t be pushing that narrative so much..

Facebook 😞 stonks Mar 20, 2020

Diversity is good bc you have more people coming up with product ideas that they would enjoy using. Then that will allow the company to have products that appeal to more people, and thus the company can make more money.

Amazon ?!?* Mar 21, 2020

Is that the reason why Facebook hasn't come out with a new product recently that people enjoy using?