Does requirement on direction axis exist in other companies?

As E5 in Facebook, I need to talk to client teams and find out what my project can do to support their goals. And then I come up with a plan for the project and the goals that need to be met for the project to be successful. I find this process painful because often I find the needs from client teams are ambiguous or not strong enough. Sometimes I could find one good use case but EM is pushing me to expand the scope and get more clients on board. I have to have big enough goal and impact every quarter so I have to justify the plan one way or another. I don’t know if I just lack the direction skill or I am just in a wrong team that I don’t feel passionate about. I really wish I could have less mental stress on the direction and can focus more on technical stuff, because I feel there is not enough time to put on design and all the implementations are just shortcuts to reach the goals. But it seems the more senior I get, the more I have to focus on this direction stuff. Is it the same everywhere else? Is there somewhere I can focus on technical design, let others (TPM?) worry about product goal and client needs, and still be successful in my career? TC 300,000 YOE 9

innRoad sMvJ48 Oct 7, 2019

Why are you defining the product goals? Is there no PM?

Intel starlens Oct 7, 2019


Facebook cat++ OP Oct 8, 2019

I don’t know. It seems to be responsibility of engineers here. I am relied to hear that it is not common in other places.

Leidos US67 Oct 13, 2019

Yeah you need a PM or a PO to handle these aspects if you're not comfortable with it.