Taylor FarmsMuut

Does robinhood gold complicate your taxes?

They have this option to generate interest on your unused money if you buy Gold. Is it worth it? Does this generate an extra tax document ?

Intel peanut126 Jun 7, 2023

It will complicate your life. Tempt u to do stupid things. Devil in disguise. Dont go near it

Taylor Farms Muut OP Jun 7, 2023

I don’t do leverage and it will not tempt me. I just want it for the interest on my unused buying power. Do you have bad stories playing with leverage?

Intel peanut126 Jun 7, 2023

Yea. It was all rosy when the value increased. The moment stocks were falling it was bad. You will have to pay a lot of money to get out

Robinhood adpcookies Jun 7, 2023

It will just be reported on 1099-INT, and it is consolidated on a single 1099 for all of your RH account stuff

Taylor Farms Muut OP Jun 7, 2023

Thank you! Does cash get locked in any way or is it liquid while generating the current 4.65% yield?

Robinhood XLWP70 Jun 7, 2023

It is completely liquid and you can withdraw it or invest it any time