Amazon ei!2 Apr 26

Amazon lnlo OP Apr 26

Is this you?

Amazon ei!2 Apr 26

SoFi GreenInOne Apr 26

What harassment? I see a bunch of peaceful protestors like during BLM but with an extreme police response.

Amazon lnlo OP Apr 26

They yell death to Jews, prevent Jews from getting to their classes, yell nazi at any Jewish student

SoFi GreenInOne Apr 26

How is that any different to the peaceful BLM protestors? They were burning down buildings without police intervention.

Amazon tri8Ta Apr 26

sounds like politics posted in appropriately under Misc. Flag to move

Amazon lnlo OP Apr 26

Yet you didn't jump in and flag any of the posts demonizing Jews. We both know why.

Indeed LT83oa Apr 26

Remember when a giant rally of republicans were chanting "Jews will not replace us" and carrying around torches

Amazon lnlo OP Apr 26

I don't. I remember the Republicans being anti immigration, I think you are making shit up that isn't really associated with the Republicans

NVIDIA VoteDem🗽 Apr 26

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Neal Analytics lolnewacct Apr 26

Oh I love the irony of calling people antisemitic solely because they want a genocide to stop. It's such an extreme overstatement that it winds up being a "telling on yourself" moment.

Amazon lnlo OP Apr 26

They lie about "genocide" because, like you, they hate

Microsoft Unret Apr 26

Because democrats understand and value the first amendment. Republicans say they do, but only when you say things that they agree with. Just look at the double standard by Abbot in Texas. Republicans are bending over backwards to try and interpret the 1A in a way that let's them jail the people who disagree with them.

Cruise bgvfcd Apr 26

I’m more sympathetic to Democrats than Republicans in general. I can’t stand the right’s anti-gay, anti-women, anti-science, etc etc attitudes. But the left keeps doing stupid things that cost them support. Being pro-Hamas is one of the stupider things I’ve seen. It’s like being pro-Al Qaeda right after Sept. 11. What the hell. The leaders of Palestine do a Pearl Harbor style sneak attack but on civilians…. Totally support Israel is wiping out the aggressors. It’s horrific that Hamas hides behind their own civilians, but what are you going to do? You don’t allow Hitler to continue rampaging in 1945 just because innocent Germans might get caught in the crossfire.

Meta Kuph85 Apr 26

Wtf criticizing Israel is not antisemtism. Israel doesn’t represent all Jews. Murdering innocents is wrong. Democrats are against that. Republicans have always been ok with wanton slaughter as long as it’s Muslims dying.

Google gUdj4i Apr 26

Antisemitism crosses party lines. But it's become larger and more in the open on the left

Coupang hCNC88 Apr 26

Yes but the people who are actually attacking Synagogues and shooting people are all people on the right.