Tech IndustryDec 4, 2018

Does this basically mean i got rejected?

I got a linkedin message from amazon engineering manager about an opportunity. 3 days after i sent my resume, he basically replied he will connect to recruiting but didn’t cc anybody on the email itself. Don’t people usually tag recruiter on the email itself? Should i consider this as a rejection letter basically?

Oath YXVw86 Dec 4, 2018

No, just stop overthinking. Not always they cc others.

Amazon Jеff Bezоs Dec 4, 2018

I think OP is humblebragging. Congratulations, OP! After many years of hard work, you finally got the attention of an Amazon manager.🎈🍾 🎊

Amazon Qorduka Dec 4, 2018

I’ve done this, I’m usually just super busy that’s all

Dolby MoreTaco Dec 4, 2018

Holidays coming up, don’t over think or stress.

LinkedIn parade Dec 4, 2018

Your resume is pretty much a 1:1 of your LinkedIn profile (I assume). So why would the manager message you in the first place.

Deloitte weirdflex Dec 4, 2018

Not just rejected, but blackballed FOREVER

Intel UGeJ58 Dec 4, 2018

Did he BCC so that you don't go rogue firing off emails every hour? Let the guy have a lunch break today!