Misc.Dec 10, 2019
C Spire Wirelessghgygvf

Does your stomach make noises during meetings and does it embarass you

I have had the issue of my stomach making noises in meetings and it causes me anxiety. It's not all the time. Just like once every now and then. However, I'll sit in meetings sometimes scared that it's going to happen. I wanted to see if others have this happen and if they just ignore it or get nervous about it as well? Do you judge other people whose stomachs make noises during meetings? Like they are gross or something? This is kind of my fear. Like people think I'm gross. Also, are there things you can do to prevent this from happening? Sorry, this is a weird question, but it's something I want to figure out and wanted to get some folks opinion. On a side note, I don't really have this issue in interviews. I think I'm so focused on performing well that I don't think about it. I do wonder if a solution would be to try and focus on the purpose of the meetings I'm in.

Trunk Club Amy B. Dec 10, 2019

I don’t think I have ever heard someones stomach grumble at work or in my life for that matter.

Twilio lQaC61 Dec 10, 2019

This happens when your stomach is empty

C Spire Wireless ghgygvf OP Dec 10, 2019

If I eat a big meal, it'll make noises too. It'll also happen for me if I'm holding in gas.

NBCUniversal melong Dec 10, 2019

Don’t eat a big meal but eat light snack consistently. I carry my nuts around to meetings

Amazon Dr. Savage Dec 10, 2019

No but your butt does

VMware zxzam Dec 10, 2019

You can walk, jog or run for some time in the am (20+ minutes, if possible). That should help.

American Express JFR87 Dec 10, 2019

mine does. i stopped caring about it though. dont address it, assert dominance

Intel D’s🥜 Dec 10, 2019

Allow your stomach to shush the dissent. Then you can fire your boss and rise the ranks!

VMware hypervised Dec 10, 2019

Stop drinking milk and see the difference. Most humans have varying levels of lactose intolerance and it manifests itself in noise bellies among other things.

Intel LEtestar Dec 10, 2019

If it’s really loud it’ll get commented on in a funny, human way, but no one actually cares.

Google 0071 Dec 10, 2019

One of my coworkers let out a huge fart in the middle of my presentation, was awkward as hell, but stomach noises is meh.

Intel LEtestar Dec 10, 2019

Everyone’s embarrassed and no one acknowledges

IBM tXbr27 Dec 10, 2019

Go keto.

Netflix nJH45hw Dec 10, 2019

I am embarrassed when Chinese (not all but a few)people make noises with their throat after eating food. And no one dares to give them Feedback. Never heard it from any other race. Strange.

Amazon Dr. Savage Dec 10, 2019

I attribute this to culture but sure bro