Tech IndustryOct 15, 2019

Don't want to go to work anymore

I used to love to go work. Always looked forward to going to work on Monday but now it's become a drag. I'm on a project with a stupid TPM who doesn't even understand simple NON-technical stuff and keeps f*ing up the project and blocking the rest of us. He's a complete moron and just a glorified admin assistant who keeps wasting everyone's time by setting up stupid meetings to confirm what everyone has already agreed on just because he doesn't understand anything. He won't be PIP'd because the boss likes him (& yes and is aware of this). Unfortunately I can't switch teams and can't jump ship at the moment. I can't deal with this anymore. PS, He also has me do everything since he doesn't understand anything and takes the credit for my work. I no longer have any motivation to go to work. It's so sad to see such a good company get ruined by such people. 😖😖😤😤 Update: DumbDumb today asked "how do you get confirmation for data points once it's sent over when they are missing?" Meaning if the data is missing from the fields and you're sending them over how do you confirm that the data went over. How do you send "data" when there's nothing to send? 🤔😫🤤🤕😖😨😵😳😱

Oracle Sockets Oct 15, 2019

Jeez, look at Cranky McCrankerson

Hulu CgDlJ64709 OP Oct 15, 2019

🤣thanks for the laugh..needed it! Wanna switch?!? 😂

Oath null?gc Oct 15, 2019

Confront him and tell him you are not happy with situation. If he retaliates go to HR

Oracle Sockets Oct 15, 2019

No no. Stay away from HR. HR bad. No HR good

Hulu CgDlJ64709 OP Oct 15, 2019 HR. Already talked to his boss about it and he's aware but he won't do anything

Expedia Group ajdhu72 Oct 15, 2019

What can *you* do to enjoy your work? You mention useless meetings: start skipping all meetings with no clear agenda and objectives, and focus on delivering your work. The more you work, the more respect you will earn from your colleagues etc. Regarding credit, that’s an easy one. How is he “taking credit” for your work? By representing the team in meetings? By sending emails with updates? By making presentations? Regardless of the medium, TAKE OWNERSHIP and control the narrative. Changing your situation will require effort and energy, if you do nothing, nothing will change. If you want to grow for real, you must tell him how you perceive his work (he’s lacking technically) and offer to help him learn the ropes.

Tableau +s@ftware+ Oct 15, 2019

If you start skipping meetings you're considered arrogant, not cooperating with the team. At the end of the day it's the peers who give reviews, I know a person who is a rockstar and delivered so much and wasn't promoted because of this stupid reason

Expedia Group ajdhu72 Oct 15, 2019

In my view, if you ask: “what will be covered in this meeting” and after an answer you decide to prioritize other activities such as delivering work, is fine. Simply not showing up isn’t advisable.

Oracle not_larry Oct 15, 2019

All TPMs are glorified assistants. Ignore his existence, figuratively, and do what needs to be done. Own your shit like a boss. Make us proud OP.

Hulu CgDlJ64709 OP Oct 15, 2019

Yes!!! Agree!!!

Oracle Sockets Oct 15, 2019

Pfft. My fiance is a tpm and paid handsomely too boot. She used to be a developer as well. If it were era appropriate, I would challenge you to a dual, sir.

Apple jfb361gas Oct 15, 2019

I’ve worked with bad TPMs who have offloaded work on to me and good TPMs who have done the same. I would help them out by really only taking the work that I found interesting myself (if I had time) and rejecting any that didn’t. Occasionally I would offer to take some of the less interesting work if I saw the good TPM was just overloaded (and they would sometimes offer the same if they saw I was overloaded). The thing is that there’s often some gems buried in the work that a TPM is doing that would normally get overlooked. Things that if pressed on will result in some interesting, career building work 6 to 12 months down the line. I’d like to be able to catch those so that I can push on and lead those projects when the time came. So that’s why I would be ok with taking on some of the work the TPM was doing if I thought there might be something interesting buried in there. For all the other work they tried to offload, fuck them. That’s their job, I could easily show why I was too overloaded with work at any time to take on their tasks as well.

Hulu CgDlJ64709 OP Oct 15, 2019

If the TPM was actually doing Technical work then yes but if it's just barely taking bad notes because he doesn't even understand simple things within the project and he just schedules meetings where he wastes everyone else's time because he doesn't understand any concept of the project, then I don't want him being on this project. Other people who are not even on the tech side have said he's not technical and keeps blocking the project

Intuit z4x Oct 15, 2019

Find a new job

Hulu CgDlJ64709 OP Oct 15, 2019

Starting to look. I'm hoping in a month or so when everything dies down can concentrate on job hunting

Tektronix BazzokaGrl Oct 15, 2019

Take a vacation

Hulu CgDlJ64709 OP Oct 15, 2019

I wish I could but we have to launch so can't really do that but soon after

Tektronix BazzokaGrl Oct 15, 2019

Schedule it at least so you have a positive event to look forward to and focus on when your feeling unmotivated.

Glassdoor urff Oct 15, 2019

Last time I checked he is NOT your manager. You can tell him to fuck off.

Hulu CgDlJ64709 OP Oct 15, 2019

Well that's where the problem lies. His boss who overseas the team which I report to has given this idiot a do-it-all free pass and has me report to him so I can't really piss him off. He held on to my hiring documents for a full month just to show he has power. That's why idk what to do.

Glassdoor urff Oct 15, 2019

Are you officially or unofficually reporting to him ? If it's unofficially you can tell him to fuck off. He can't do anything because your actual manager will look bad if people find out he delegated his own role and is therefore redundant. If it's officially, I would suggest you start leetcoding and prepare for your next role.

Bayer TechWannaB Oct 15, 2019

When he set up a meeting, clarify with him what he is trying to accomplish in the meeting. If it's just update on the work progress, it can be done via email or quick phone call. Cc your manager in the communication so he/she is aware of how inefficient and incompetent the TPM is. Hope it helps.

Hulu CgDlJ64709 OP Oct 15, 2019

Thanks...tried that before but it didn't. The problem is that the boss has given him so much freedom and trust that no one can do anything. He's also very vindictive and is actually trying to get someone else who is on the same project but with another team fired.

Bayer TechWannaB Oct 15, 2019

It looks like your boss doesn't back you up. It's time to jump ship.