Okta Staff SWE TC

Looking at a role at Okta and trying to figure out what to target for a potential offer. Staff SWE data points seem to be all over the place on Levels.FYI. Would be remote from MCOL in the U.S.

Compare salaries and career levels across companies | Levels.fyi
Compare salaries and career levels across companies | Levels.fyi
Meta brokedown Feb 14

Okay staff is faang senior

Block block.abc OP Feb 14

Yeah that's what I figured. I'm coming from L6 at Square which seems about equivalent. Just trying to figure out what the numbers should be. Levels has everything from like 230k to 600k

Meta brokedown Feb 14


Okta atko12345 Feb 19

I regret joining Okta. It is a shitshow. Don’t join. Already seen 3 rounds of layoff in 6 months.

Okta Catilina Feb 20


Okta Isfx75 Feb 24

eng orgs haven't been impacted though