Tech IndustryApr 22, 2021

Screwed up easiest Amazon phone interview

Feeling like poop because I’ve been trying to leave Lockheed Martin for around a year now but kept getting stuffed at the resume screen . Finally got the chance at asde2 position at Amazon after online assessment with a phone screen and screwed up the coding part. It was a super easy binary tree question. The interviewer was very patient and tried to guide me through it although it was a little tough cause of his thick accent. Tc 105k

Expedia Group Lordofmemz Apr 22, 2021

This is fine

Amazon Amazonbie Apr 22, 2021

Better learn to understand all accents if you want to work at amzn. And also you probably got lucky. Amzn suckssss.

Google bozon Apr 22, 2021

I screwed up Amazon too because of a silly misunderstanding, later got into google. So dodged a bullet there I guess.

Amazon amNotBezos Apr 22, 2021

It happens to the best of us. Keep on fishing for the next opportunity. I messed up a phone screen with MS the same week I passed Amazon phone screen.

Amazon hhkgzsss Apr 22, 2021

Luck is on your side

cRt:v Apr 22, 2021

God’s plan because it’s Amazon