WePay Intern Phone

Got a phone interview for a soen internship with WePay soon . Any tips for that and for the subsequent rounds of interviews? #intern

WePay kurfew007 Dec 7, 2021

Intern interviews at WePay are pretty straightforward. Usually a recruiter screen and then two technical phone interviews that are around an hour each. The technical phone interviews are usually one to two Leetcode easy/medium style questions with some basic questions about you. The “you” questions can vary, but there’s usually some behavioral stuff and then questions like: “Tell me about your favorite project you’ve worked on for school?” “What type of software work are you interested in? Backend? Frontend? Infrastructure?” If you have some project on your resume, like a web app that you built, you might get questions about that as well. They usually try to leave about 5 minutes or so at the end for you to ask questions about the company.

WePay xTHK37 Mar 10, 2022

do yourself a favor and please dont come to WePay. it's a dying company