
Is it worth to do MS/masters online from edu sites like Coursera ?

Symplicity Corporation duckflotil Mar 16

Wonder that too

Bloomberg devisebot Mar 16

Only useful if you want to get a CS degree and use that to pass the resume screening to land a job. Since you already have a job, then not worth it. The quality is not good. Go learn on YouTube or read textbooks by yourself. It's ๐Ÿ†“.

Coursera UjaA55 Mar 24

The universities literally create the courses that are on our site. How is it low quality?

Meta gutjjf Mar 16

Don't listen to naysayers Go for it

Amazon digitalbit OP Mar 16

Please elaborate

Meta gutjjf Mar 16

You'll have a much better understanding and a foreign Masters degree. No matter what anyone says, the HR filters on the basis of educational qualifications. Go for it.

Coursera UjaA55 Mar 24

@OP - Iโ€™m obviously biased given my employer, but what I can tell you is the universities are the ones that create the material on our site, so as long as theyโ€™re part of the degrees pathways and offer credit, you can enroll. No different than taking that course in person