Exact steps to get idea funded by VC

I know I can google this but there’s so many stupid sites that really don’t know what they’re talking about or are very general. Any past, current, or future business owners welcome to lay it out in a couple steps the exact steps you need to get an idea to funded business (VC)

VMware Eeeeeek Nov 15, 2018

Y Combinator?

Slalom Consulting 🤲✌️👈🤟 Nov 15, 2018

Have a great idea and a viable business case

Northrop Grumman iCallBS OP Nov 15, 2018


Facebook NunyaBizNe Nov 15, 2018

That’s not how it works. Build something people want. Have data (revenue, customers) to prove people want it. Design a system that scales the number of people using it very quickly and very inexpensively.