Exiting aerospace

I'm a GNC engineer with almost 2 yoe and I want to leave this industry. I have a BS in aerospace engineering. I've been thinking about transitioning to tech since a lot of what I already do is software. Given that the market is bad currently, what should I do to better position myself in the mid term? Would a MS in CompSci help? What other options are feasible? TC: 95k #aerospace

Investment Bank Glinda Apr 13

You are being underpaid at Boeing. My daughter has a MS-AE and earns $130K plus some options and a small bonus at an electric aircraft start up. She was making about $110K at LM. To answer your question, why not pursue a MS-CS part time while you continue to work at Boeing and wait for the economy to recover. In the long run, you will earn more as a SWE because the demand is higher.