Expedia Offer Review

Got an offer from Expedia as a TPM. Salary non-negotiable. Currently making 100k TC (80k base, 20k-ish~ RSU, somewhat volatile). Is the position worth if I want to eventually transition into product management from from a Software Developer background (IC at current company with a very slow process for transferring roles internally)? Tried applying for APM positions this season and had no success (at entry-level). #pm #tpm -YOE: 0.8 -TC: 120,000 -Base: 110k -RSU: 40k -Sign-on bonus: 15k (10 first year/5 second)

Argo AI whatsaTC Apr 2, 2022

Depends on what the focus will be for the TPM role. But from TC standpoint obviously take it. Also do you have an MBA or something? Otherwise uncertain why you thought you'd get a shot at PM with not even a year of experience

Thoughtworks FutureMng OP Apr 2, 2022

It’s similar to a APM program but for TPM. And I don’t, recent grad so was shooting for APM programs since I know without solid PM-related experience, an MBA, or luck, it’s harder to break into PM. But yeah, trying to go for something with more directly transferrable skills than as a software developer. From what I can tell from the role description, it’ll focus on handling technical projects from end-to-end, gathering input from stakeholders and teams to help develop and coordinate solutions, navigate delivery within the scope of the project, and technical documentation

Deloitte YgXM05 Apr 3, 2022

Correction, your TC is not 165k. Divide RSUs by 4 for 25% for each year. That is about 10k per year. So 110 base and 10k rsu per year is 120 per year. Bonus not guaranteed next year. You could do better

Thoughtworks FutureMng OP Apr 4, 2022

Hm, you think so? Are you saying I could do better in terms of salary or position? I’m a developer with less than a year of experience tryna switch to the management side of things so figured this opportunity might help with that. I’m not able to really own any processes so thought a job like this might be beneficial in that aspect. Plan to network with current TPMs to get an idea of what I’ll actually be doing. Also thank you, thought TC was total comp being offered, not per year. And what do you mean bonus isn’t guaranteed next year? I was told the bonus is 10k first year, the 5k the next year.

Deloitte YgXM05 Apr 4, 2022

Well then, correction - bonus not guaranteed for year after that. Expedia does not do bonuses anymore, they only increase base as part of performance review every year. The role is good for what you described. You could do better in terms of TC. Ask for an increase an RSUs. Just do not let the recruiter mislead you that 165k is total comp. Because if you count it that way, 165 will only be TC for first year. There are no RSU refreshers at your level for next year.