Tech IndustryNov 16, 2017

Expedia follow up call - what to expect

My friend(new grad) recently had an on-site interview with Expedia about 2 weeks ago and has got an email from the recruiter to send times for a follow up call. What should he expect? Is this positive or negative?

Salesforce dylaxt Nov 16, 2017

Can be either way...

Microsoft vRFI13 Nov 16, 2017

Most likely negative. Usually if it is positive they would say it is good news and would want to talk about details

Expedia kIOr63 Nov 16, 2017

Call is to discuss comp of 350K.

Amazon manRules Nov 16, 2017

I guess 2 senior expe engineer tc combined would be less than 350k

Expedia fterty Nov 17, 2017

Why so much pun? Ex-expedia?

Expedia NaaN Nov 16, 2017

Depends, I got a follow up call to discuss comp before first offer was made