Experienced engineers at Jane Street Capital - DM me?

Everyone I see from JSC on LinkedIn seems to be an Ivy League wunderkind under 30. I’m 8 YoE with deep expertise in FP languages including OCaml. Also 1 semester away from a master’s degree in CS. I want to figure out if I’d belong there and how I’d be evaluated / stack up. Would move from CA if I got in.

Wish makeA Dec 18, 2021

It’s not just ivys, there’s a metric fuckton of Waterloo and Berkeley kids too, they probably make up 30% of all the new grads every year

Jane Street Capital HCwC25 Dec 19, 2021

Not that many Berkeley, top three are definitely Waterloo, MIT, and CMU, not sure about the ordering though. Relatively few ivy grads in tech.

Amazon TeknoKin Dec 24, 2021

They rejected my application without even interviewing me, so fuck them. You are wasting your time OP.

VC & Private Equity Firm quitegood Dec 24, 2021

Lmfao how many applications do you think they get. There are thousands of amazon engineers, should they interview all of you?

Millennium Management lc,profit Dec 24, 2021

Dude Amazon is the best company in the world