Tech IndustryApr 3, 2021
AmazonJassy Andy

FB Leaks Personal Data - 535M Users

What a surprise, the company that solicits and abuses users personal data for profit, doesn’t adequately safeguard that data. What a sleazy unethical company. Thankfully FB declining long term due to increased government regulation, limits on cross app tracking and increased awareness of their toxic business model.

533 million Facebook users’ phone numbers and personal data reported leaked online
533 million Facebook users’ phone numbers and personal data reported leaked online
Intuit itnuy Apr 3, 2021

You should work at Facebook. You literally copied my link like Facebook copies features.

Amazon Jassy Andy OP Apr 3, 2021

I did. Great link. Tks!

Facebook oHLx50 Apr 3, 2021

Did you get rejected by Facebook? You have an unhealthy fascination with the company.

Amazon Jassy Andy OP Apr 4, 2021

Guess I just care about the health of society, and am not a fan of companies and individuals that degrade it for profit. #deletefacebook

Facebook oHLx50 Apr 4, 2021

So you got rejected, yes or no? Either way, it matters not. Only you will know if the answer is true. But I want to make sure you realize the karma consequence of lying. Life is short, obsessing over blind, making micro impact by hash tagging anti Facebook is not productive. Go make someone feel better today. I love you as a person.

Amazon Jassy Andy OP Apr 4, 2021

Hey, you do you. There certainly are some good things about FB, and I’m sure the pay and benefits are two of them. On balance though, FB is clearly a net negative for society. FB is the big tobacco of the digital age, it’s addictive, cancerous and bad for you. Desperate newly diagnosed cancer patients are pushed ads for quack cures (colloidal silver). MAGA idiots traveling to DC are pushed ads for bear spray to use against law enforcement. I’m not perfect, and neither is Amazon but that behavior is too sleazy for me to be able to sleep at night. It’ll come back to you, don’t worry. Karma is a b*tch.

Facebook Apr 4, 2021

Hey, I have been seeing your posts, and you seem to be really obsessed with Facebook. I'm not going to argue with you, or try to convince you of anything. You do you! If abusing Facebook is what gets you out of the bed each day, and you need to do it it to make you feel good about yourself, then that's what you gotta do! I am a believer in karma too. If what I'm doing is harmful to people, it will come back to bite me. And if what I'm doing is useful, it will pay me back. No amount of arguing on the internet will stop it. And no amount of posts from others will speed it up. Why don't we both let it play out?

Facebook oHLx50 Apr 4, 2021

Are you saying that I will be cosmically punished for working at FB? Maybe. I doubt it. I think the person with cancer in their soul is you. You seem angry and for some reason taking it out on FB and people that work there. Look within yourself. Who hurt you? Why are you so angry? What possesses you to go out of your way to post incessantly on Blind about FB?

Amazon Jassy Andy OP Apr 4, 2021

Yes. I’m saying that, as put it, if what you’re doing is harmful it will come back to bite you. Working at FB is harmful to people. It’s harmful to society and harmful to democracy. Selling false hope to cancer patients is heinous. Increasing teen depression is horrific. Dividing the world by algorithmically pushing divisive content tears at the fabric of society. You’re better than that. You deserve more than that. Is this what you wanted to do when you were growing up? Is your pay and benefits package worth the costs you’re imposing on our democracy? I hope you can live with yourself. I know I wouldn’t be able to.

Facebook Apr 4, 2021

You talked about karma and that reminded me of a story my mother told me in childhood. It is a tale from Hindu puranas, and just take it as a parable. A king conducted some ritual and at the end of it, organized a huge feast for the people in his kingdom. It was ancient times. Open air cooking and open vessels. Just then an eagle caught a snake and was flying holding it, over the area where the feast was being cooked. The snake was trying to fight and spouts venom. The venom happens to fall in the vessel. Nobody notices it. People were served the same thing, and a lot of people fell ill or died. There were a lot of rumor mongers started blaming the king. Some loyalists tried to find conspiracy theories about the cooks and so on. Angels asked God, "A lot of people died here. Whose fault is it? The king, the cooks, the eagle or the snake?" God answered "No, all of them were doing their duty. None of them were at fault." A: "But this is a lot of bad karma. Someone should pay for it." G: "Put the bad karma in the accounts of people that talked ill of others without knowing the facts". You talked about karma and tried to advise us on how to save ourselves. One good turn deserves another. Hopefully, you take the tale in good faith and save yourself from suffering the fate of rumor mongers!