FB doing LC interviews for contractors

Talked to rando contract recruiter. Pitched a FB role. They do the same loop as for FTE. wtf? So stupid. Why even bother doing contracting if you have to go through the same exact LC meat grinder as you do for an FTE role for 3x the TC.

Twilio The SEC Apr 25

The bar would be lower and you don’t have to wait for team match

Apple pk-69 Apr 25

Contract prestige

DocuSign prodLaunch Apr 25

Ohh I thought people on contract get more salary

PayPal bliUgT Apr 25

Base might be, but not tc and that’s for independent contractors, not witch

AppLovin Flyawaynow Apr 25

Really? I thought contractors get paid less

Indeed HTAq83 Apr 25

Bar probably lower and once you are in and if your manager likes you you may get the chance to convert? Maybe some people see it as an alternative way in

Google jkaP48 OP Apr 25

and if you get the chance to convert you have to interview again. So twice the work for half the pay. They probably down level you too

Amazon cndk28djwo Apr 25

Yea I don’t think Google or FB allows contractor conversions. Amazon Apple Microsoft do tho

247sarcasm Apr 25

You still contribute a lot to the team/product, why wouldn’t they vet you as much? I treat my contractors as team members and hold the same expectations.

Microsoft àáàáæ Apr 25

Because it's easy to get rid of a contractor

Amazon HJu85 Apr 25

Because they pay a lot less than the permanent roles. Why would anyone do contract work if the process is the same?