Justification of irrelevant work in interviews

Currently at Applied Materials since July 2020.Was interview for Java position. The work advertised in job description is totally different. No cloud or AWS/GCP.Less Java projects and work. Took some PHP projects to look good and team player. Sometimes do some automation scripts in Python .The team and manager is expecting me to become Pro in PHP. Working in PHP will make me lost touch with Java.for challenging work,I suggested to introduce new languages such as Kotlin/Go,got rejected by team member (due to love for Some old language) straightforward without listening the idea.Looked for internal team changes.Mostly positions are C/C++/C#.I am really worried/stressed if i stay longer in Company will cause huge damage to my career. I am not be able to move to Java again or some good cool technologies. Need some suggestions to justify irrelevant work for interviews TC 120 YOE 5

Investment Management Firm tqVa17 Jul 19, 2021

Didn’t read anything but re title just say you needed money

Credit Karma Y8GgN2z Jul 19, 2021

Programming languages by themselves are mostly irrelevant past a certain point, unless you’re in a highly specialized domain or maintaining a legacy system. It’s more damaging to your career to feel beholden to Java than it is to be a polyglot.