I’m in Amazon, my manager has given me last sprint to perform well according to them. The expectations are the sprint work should be complete, and I fear the sprint task wont be complete as it involves lots of things which are new to the team. Even a seasoned engineer from our team might not complete it as no one knew what the story is about. I think I’ll be put in pip if I don’t complete the sprint. But I don’t have any energy left, this is going on from a while now. Just deadlines and completing my Managers expectations and they have not been satisfied however I perform from past few months. There is always criticism and I’m degraded in front of my team by asking random questions for which my manager already knows answer and if I get them wrong he will put in front of my team how less understanding I have. I’m so stressed, I can’t remember last time smiling. I only feel alive on Saturday when I avoid my laptop and office work. My wife makes me feel better and she is suggesting to take FMLA leave before I am put in PIP or made to choose between PIP or Severance. Any suggestions?

JPMorgan Chase Banker2024 Feb 5

FMLA asap

Zuora bluebird8 Feb 5

What’s FMLA?

LinkedIn jesse.p Feb 5

F3ck manager lazy a$$

ByteDance fwCk03 Feb 5

Keep the docs ready, take fmla right before pip. If humiliation increases too much, take it asap

Amazon gVoC46 OP Feb 5

I was told my job can be done by a nontech person, and we don’t a SDE resource for it. It was in 1:1 but Ive lost all my energy since. I have lot of work but I have brain fog and even simple task like asking a general question I’m scared if it will be misintepreted

Amazon nJeX27 Feb 5

Feel free to DM me. I’m in somewhat similar boat. Stay strong!

Amazon Bello674 Feb 7

No no no….. go chat with your medic about the ‘unbearable stress and mental anguish’ which you have been suffering and get them primed to sign FMLA docs but do NOT request FMLA until the 5 day Pivot decision window starts. You apply directly with DLS team portal (not your manager or HR drone) and it takes them 2 days to approve. Then Pivot is paused and you are on paid job protected leave. DLS team will give you FMLA forms for your medic to sign and you must return them within 2 weeks. You can use the 12 weeks for mental recovery and external interviews without opening the PIP Factory laptop. You can also extend beyond 12 weeks but it’s unpaid. When you return then the 5 day Pivot decision window resumes and you choose Tier 1 severance exit or more Frugal PIP tortured exit - choose wisely! If you take FMLA during Focus or PIP then it leaves your mis-manager more in control of what happens next when you return and the associated timelines….. you *really* dont want someone with malicious intent to have too much control. Good luck and spread the word- Avoid Amazon!

Amazon gVoC46 OP Feb 7

I’m not able to work with all the stress, I keep living in past, what if I had spend another weekend working and complete the task, would i be in same position? I think this is my last sprint and i am not able to contribute at all like I’m stuck with some error which i would have solved easily back then but now i don’t have any clue I’m just online and scrolling through to be online.

Amazon Bello674 Feb 7

You can book personal time off (PTO) or sick time using the ‘Time Off Tool’ and take some rest. Then use the FMLA when it is most advantageous to you in Pivot phase.