Attentive offer evaluation

I'm an L5 Software Engineer at Google, making $400k annually. I have an offer from Attentive Mobile for a $300k base salary and about $2M in RSUs over 4 years. Which would you recommend and Why?

78 Participants
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Google qaqaqa May 2

What is Attentive Mobile? Is RSU paper money? Based on the base, looks like so.

Google IjGr00 OP May 2


Google qaqaqa May 2

Depends on your financial situation. If you are planning a house, perhaps No. 100k extra real cash is always better than 125k of paper stocks.

Microsoft s!!! May 2

Stay a Google if you have good job security else switch

Attentive greenteafr May 3

What is the level they offer?

Attentive May 3

likely ml staff but only op can confirm

ex-Visa bestincel May 3

i would go for it. life is all about risks . 100k doesnt make much change but that 2m will atleast be worth 400k i guess . how was the interview