
Expecting an offer from Nordstrom

Hey everyone, I’m expecting a Senior Engineer II role at Nordstrom soon. But, I have a few questions though. 1. How strict is Nordstrom’s policy on RTO ? 2. What base pay can I expect or negotiate to ? YOE: 11yrs Previous TC: 170k Location: Seattle Future TC: Yet to get it from the recruiter #nordstrom #engineering #software

Databricks rizzking Aug 23, 2023

Nordstrom sucks lol

YLgR53 OP Aug 23, 2023

My employment status sucks even more 😢

Databricks rizzking Aug 23, 2023

DM me for insights

Cisco YCDq82 Aug 23, 2023

What is your current and future TC? YoE? Work location?

YLgR53 OP Aug 24, 2023

YOE: 11yrs Previous TC: 170k Location: Seattle Future TC: Yet to get it from the recruiter

Nordstrom rajaBabu21 Aug 24, 2023

Dont count on bonus as we haven’t received bonuses in last 2 years. Benefits in general suck. Try to negotiate on base. Its a sinking ship at the moment.

Nordstrom cwpU12 Aug 24, 2023

Mandatory RTO is fairly new. We’re supposed to be in office 3 days a week (on a fixed set of days, varying by team). The only exceptions to this rule are people who live more than than an hour’s drive away from an office. Despite that, a lot of people are simply ignoring the rule. Rumor has it that a crack-down is in the works. They recently added “no tailgating” signs above the main floor card readers in building 865. This is a good security stance and reminder, but there is speculation they are also doing it so they can use card swipes to more accurately track attendance.

Nordstrom mjspi Aug 24, 2023

Technically yes, they can track. But more importantly if you don't show up, the direct impact is your manager and your teammates. They won't agree with that unless the whole team agrees to cheat the company which is not possible. RTO is 3 days/week mandatory, period.

Nordstrom cwpU12 Aug 24, 2023

The thing is, that’s actually happening. Part of why that’s happening and no one is complaining is because, in many cases, RTO is dumb. Many teams (perhaps most) have remote members, so all meetings in the office have to take place over Teams anyway. Equipment is worse than what we have at home, and it’s all half-height cubicles with high contention for meeting rooms, so there’s plenty of noise and distractions you have to drown out. Most of my team doesn’t show up most of the time. Am I going to snitch, despite the fact I come in all the time? No. Because we’re not cheating the company. The same work is getting done regardless, and the office is not the magical collaboration space management seems to believe it is.

Nordstrom mjspi Aug 24, 2023

I think you can push the base salary up to ~$250k for senior 2. I am a senior 1 (max range is $200-210k).

Nordstrom AJKu71 Aug 24, 2023

Lol what no not possible

Nordstrom mjspi Aug 24, 2023

My friend got an offer for senior 1 with a 200k base. Myself as a senior 1 is 185k base. You can definitely push for it. No harm doing that.

Nordstrom kYFr85 Aug 24, 2023

$170k is a good offer for Sr 2

YLgR53 OP Aug 28, 2023

That’s way low for Seattle i suppose, considering I make the same at my current company while being remote

Nordstrom AJKu71 Aug 24, 2023

170-180 base is standard for senior 2

Nordstrom mjspi Aug 24, 2023

That's the lower range for senior 2. My base is 185k (higher range) as a senior 1. My friend pushed and got a 200k (top range) base offer as a senior 1 a few months back. Be confident to push for more as no harm doing so.

YLgR53 OP Aug 28, 2023

mjspi, do you know how much was the initial offer for your friend ?

Nordstrom guavi Aug 24, 2023

Upper limit for base pay for Sr 2 might be mentioned in the job description profile on LI. Most of the time it is mentioned, as employers want to keep the base pay range transparent. Afaik it's capped at $236 for Sr 2. Not sure how close you could get to. Personally speaking, forget about including bonus in your TC. Treat your base as your TC and then make the decision. Don't get sold out by the recruiter wrt bonus, benefits and other things - they might lie a lot.

Nordstrom guavi Aug 24, 2023

I have seen on that people have reported about getting 190-200 as a Sr 1 (which has a cap at ~201k). If you consider yourself really good as a Sr 2 (who will act as a lead to solve complex problems by leading multi-team projects), push to get bonus to >= 220-225K.

YLgR53 OP Aug 28, 2023

Current Nordstrom employees in Tech. Did you guys get any confirmation about bonus this year ?

Nordstrom hehe xd :D Aug 31, 2023

We got a bonus at 143% of target for H1.