How the hell do Figma and Webflow work?

I saw my friend who’s a freelancer use these two today and I my jaw dropped 😳 They are so good and smooth. I didn’t know such complex, powerful tools can be built for the browser. Engineers that work at these places or similar - what’s the magic? Web flow looks like it’s all rendered on a canvas. Do you build your own rendering layer on Canvas, and then your own UI toolkit (like GTK?) on top of it? Is any of this open source? I’m so fascinated I want to jump ship 😂 #software #swe

dr yu it g Mar 1, 2021

Ask a Google candidate to design Figma in a System Design round

Google Barnaclez OP Mar 1, 2021

Great idea 😂

Amazon existing Mar 1, 2021

+1 on Figma designs look great

Google Barnaclez OP Mar 1, 2021

Amazing. This will make my late night reading for the next few weeks

Facebook RWXB70 Mar 6, 2021

in particular, Evan Wallace's work seems to be the basis for a lot of what makes Figma so fast

Synopsys sudo ‼️ Mar 1, 2021

idk but Figma has such an unfortunate name IMO, it just makes me think of “ligma”. What is ligma, you ask?

Google Barnaclez OP Mar 1, 2021

Isn’t Figma named after Figma Halls, CA?

Bloomberg MSG<GO> Mar 1, 2021

Wait what's ligma? Is it a startup? Breadator Mar 6, 2021

Figma has a lot of complex engineering under the hood. Probably the most successful large scale use of web assembly out there.