Tech IndustryDec 16, 2021

Fabricated LinkedIn profiles

I see several people tweaking their profiles with misinformation about their roles and achievements. Some examples, 1. Use current job title or made up title for their entire tenure like head of engineering or Director or GM 2. A senior leader elsewhere who was an L4 SDE when they were at Amazon, but claim that they were L6 SDE. Inflate IC roles. 3. Folks at MSFT who were in QA for in test roles, but claim they were software engineers the whole time. 4. Sr PM IC calling themselves Product Leaders and many more. I could just stop comparing and judging others. On the flip side, it would be nice if LinkedIn had capabilities to verify and have mechanisms so profiles were more authentic and true to themselves and others. In this day and age of misinformation on social media, LinkedIn seems like the next place where people are crossing the line. Of course there are also humble and smart folks who don’t need to brag and are truthful. Just curious to see what folks think of today’s world on LinkedIn in this area. L6 SDM, YOE - 15

Amazon bidding Dec 16, 2021

If you have to lie you probably don’t deserve it. But, if you lie and it works, you probably deserved it all along. Such is life.

Microsoft msdnb Dec 16, 2021

I don’t take LinkedIn profile too seriously and don’t believe everything you read

Meta PNMz61 Dec 16, 2021

Chill mate, LI is a vanity fair

Twitter lumkirda Dec 16, 2021

Just ignore it

Google 1Name4Evaa Dec 16, 2021

LI is a place of advertisement. That’s why companies have BGCs. And that’s why the interview process is designed to weed out candidates. If you are a L4 and have the skills of an L6 than shame on the company for keeping you at L4. On the other hand if you are a L4 and trying to interview for a L6 there is a high chance you will not have the skills. So keep the advertising aside and focus on actual resumes.

QGKK52 Dec 16, 2021

True the leetcode rounds may be easier but those sys rounds much harder

Amazon WLVx51 OP Dec 16, 2021

BcG only checks for current title and tenure. Time in role and past is irrelevant, and depends entirely on how the interview is done and given. So, people are falsely claiming things in past to make current state look good. LInkedIn is the new resume now. I was just thinking if LI as a product should also be thinking through this, kind of a verified check mark ✅ post background check on ones job history.

Flagged by the community.
Microsoft abehjaa Dec 16, 2021

That story was shared by hundreds😂

Microsoft abehjaa Dec 16, 2021

Just like we believed - L6 SDM, YOE - 15

Amazon WLVx51 OP Dec 16, 2021

That is true not fake. SDM for 6 years out of the 15. But you are right, there is no way to verify my claim. But blind is different from LinkedIn, lol

Roku meratc Dec 16, 2021

Fake it until you make it

LinkedIn notMeta Dec 16, 2021

Mine is not fabricated but I do update it every now and then with keywords or qualifications that companies look for. Basically I see what I have and use the wording to match JD of positions I’m interested in. Is that bad ?

Varian Medical Bcaa48 Dec 16, 2021

You still use LinkedIn? It’s garbage. Think Facebook 10 years ago.

Meta 🌲50 Dec 16, 2021

2.9b people use FB every month. Don’t compare us to that trash website.

Amazon WLVx51 OP Dec 16, 2021

FB and LinkedIn both are good and well intentioned. It’s about what people like us do with it, so FB and LinkedIn need to evolve to keep the society sane. Just 2 cents.