Tech IndustryAug 28, 2020

Facebook - Ethics

What do y’all think about Facebook and leadership at helm? I feel like MZ should be more responsible for the things that have been amplified on his platform. As a human, he has the power to change so much, but I feel that product metrics are keeping him from really bringing positive change in this volatile social climate. Adding to this, saying that ‘Q’ is just a misinformation group and their followers are not violent or the armed militias can have their own groups is reckless. This help amplifies some seriously messed up thoughts on the platform. The argument from the other side is that free speech should not be muzzled and I can see why it’s compelling especially in a country like ours. What do y’all think Zuckerberg should do?

NVIDIA BVNV Aug 28, 2020


Amazon RmOi55 Aug 28, 2020

Zuckerberg tries to state facts and sometimes in a diplomatic/sugar-coated way. This never works. He should try to appeal to emotions and communicate like a politician. He could take tips from Jack Dorsey on how to give the impression of tackling such issues on a social media platform.

Facebook Ebdhd Aug 28, 2020

Can I take a break for one day where everyone and their mama didn't have an opinion on Facebook.

Amazon oyXP34 Aug 28, 2020

'Everyone and their mama' uses Facebook- what kind of shit thinking that customers should just shut up!

Google bIt-on-🔥 Aug 28, 2020

Just stay off blind and the news and spend a day counting your money?

Google bIt-on-🔥 Aug 28, 2020

MZ has figured out the American way. Make a ton of money and you can rule all. I think they should be more aggressive on many topics, but that’s neither here nor there. I also think people shouldn’t be stupid enough to fall for Q or the dumb conspiracy theories that keep being passed around but they do because they really want to. Z just happens to make money off it and is within the law. So I have a reasonable amount of sympathy for his position. Don’t like it? Change the law.

Kabbage fNEM38 OP Aug 28, 2020

You work at google and odds are you’re reasonably smart. But think about how stupid an average person is and odds are half the population is dumber than that. There are people who have the power and authority to steer the world in the right direction. MZ is one such individual. I believe if he really wants to, he can bring a positive change in this world.

Kabbage fNEM38 OP Aug 28, 2020

Not sure if I’m impressed - The company said it's expanding that policy to "address organizations and movements that have demonstrated significant risks to public safety" but don't meet the criteria to be considered a "dangerous organization" that Facebook would ban.

Facebook britney1 Aug 28, 2020

Yeah maybe we have differences in opinions. And that’s okay. For me dangerous is someone breaking the law/killing. Ask our police if QAnon is culpable enough to be put in jail

VMware nope12 Aug 28, 2020

MZ does not virtue signal enough. He needs to pretend more and start attending BLM events, riot and loot some businesses to show he is all about justice (he has enough money to bail himself out), call for more taxes on billionaires (but really the middle class) but then cozy up to his Dem buddies and THEN laugh his way to the bank. He jumped straight to the last part.

Microsoft rakulpreet Aug 28, 2020

never seen a truer sentence in blind

T-Mobile tczhjfs Aug 29, 2020

facebook is not a court or justice place. if you force them to remove content, they will be just another censored media easily

Salesforce zezez Jan 13, 2021

Remove all censorship from FB and Instagram. Then move to China.