Misc.Dec 19, 2018
Dropbox drl/food Dec 19, 2018

Private messages. You say those words but I do not think you know what they mean.

Facebook .m. Dec 19, 2018

Data privacy regulations is needed, but the NYT article presents facts without context https://twitter.com/_mades/status/1075228269845336064?s=09

Dropbox drl/food Dec 19, 2018

You're saying the Failing NYT are #FakeNews?

Facebook .m. Dec 19, 2018

Not exactly. It brings up good points regarding data privacy, but just explains things without context

Dropbox drl/food Dec 19, 2018

You guys remember when that Twitter engineer said he could see Trump's DM's? Ah good times.

Booz Allen Hamilton Cisa 101 OP Dec 19, 2018

Tough haha wow. well I guess what I thought was true. Assume everything you post online as being public. I wonder why people post so much on internet sites.

- - Dec 19, 2018

Because people like Zuckerberg told people that those types of internet are connecting people, make world a better place, and literally a holi dance 24x7, and there is your private chats, peeps. Look at how many folks voted for Democrats and Republicans. People are easily brainwashed if you tell them something enough times.

Bloc cerealbox Dec 19, 2018

This is the straw that broke the camel’s back! I’m done with Facebook! MySpace, here I come! Also, if any Facebook employee is willing to send a referral my way, I’d greatly appreciate it. Ok thanks bye!

Mozilla jKlr27 Dec 19, 2018


Mozilla jKlr27 Dec 19, 2018

Nah, I don’t trust Facebook anymore ... but I’m addicted to the ‘gram!

Barclays PLC FAANGHNTER Dec 19, 2018

Facebook looks like an endless stream of Billboards. Ppl don't post to Facebook anymore.

eBay NotAmazon Dec 19, 2018

How does internal fb PR spin all of these recent headlines? Do they have parties to boost moral? Even if half of this stuff is true it has to weigh on people.

Oracle howzit Dec 19, 2018

They've been sleeping at the wheel re PR, while the underlings continue to follow strategies from before the IPO. No one wrote that memo about extra scrutiny once you're no longer a hot start-up.

eBay NotAmazon Dec 19, 2018

So once the user clicks I agree, it opens the gates for these third parties to access any messages they want, even if the user isn’t the one hitting the apis? Sounds like a good way to suck up a bunch of data without the end user k owing about it. No where did they mention that during the time of these features that the apis were not abused, but they did mention that after they were spun down they didn’t see any abuse. Interesting.. I wonder why they left that out.