Tech IndustryFeb 4, 2020

Facebook Data Science interview rejection

Hi Blind community. Just wanted to write some feedback about ds interview in facebook. First it was 1h interview with recruiter with questions about background and 1 question about product analytics (how you decide adding reactions is good product change). Then it was interview with one of the data scientists. Sql and product. First of all: interviewer talked almost nothing beside the questions and was highly emotionless. Sql was very simple (calculate ctr type question). I said him that I am going to write it using "with" for making logic simple, though it can be solved in different ways as well. He said nothing Then it was question about product. How you can improve notification sent and make sure they are good. I talked about types, engagement, but honestly the notification topic is very limited for me. And till now i don't know how I was supposed to answer. They write after business day that they don't want to continue with me. I asked recruiter to give feedback on how I can improve. She arranged call. Basically she talked non-stop without listening (Though I am really grateful she gave that call). So what she said 1) you solved sql query in a overcomplicated way 2) even with a great help you couldn't answer product side question (i said that i didn't get any help, she didn't seem to listen) So my guess is that there are already defined answers you MUST gave, though it is not programming problem, that has the most efficient way to solve it. I am just curious about RIGHT answers :D Meanwhile I am waiting for Spotify's interview. Are there any hints how I can prepare for it. I really like Spotify's culture and the call with recruiter went really good. #facebook #interview #rejection #spotify #spotifycareers

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Intuit hnHt16 Feb 14, 2020

Is Spotify’s gig in NYC?

PicsArt Whfb44 Feb 22, 2020

Facebook - London, Spotify - Stockholm