Facebook Data Scientist (DS) Tracks - Infra, Product, Analytics

Hi all, I am considering interviewing at #Facebook. I am curious about the different #Data Science #datascience roles/tracks at #Facebook - Product, Analytics, and Infrastructure. 1) I keep reading DS at Facebook earn less than SWE. Is that correct? 2) Between these 2-3 tracks in Data Science- do #DS #Infra or either of those DS tracks make more money than the other DS? Or all DS tracks pay the same? It would be nice to see some numbers, specifically interested in DS Infra. I do get a feeling from the broad discussions that DS make less than SWE, just not sure if it's true for DS Infra as well or only other DS tracks. I'll appreciate some pointers and discussion. Thanks in advance!

Facebook spysausage Aug 2, 2020

There are also tech and non-tech aligned DS roles, at least within Analytics

Booking.com dsntw OP Aug 2, 2020

Can you please elaborate..? That could be useful.. Thanks

Facebook spysausage Aug 2, 2020

I forget the exact mappings, but a non-tech org like Global Marketing Solutions (GMS) obviously still has data problems. Their DS are accordingly considered ‘non-tech.’ Practically, this means GMS DS are downgraded a level when making lateral moves to a DS role in a tech-aligned org (e.g. AR/VR)

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Facebook spysausage Aug 3, 2020

Pretty much, though most DS I know at FB are very good Python/R programmers

KMC Consulting petermark Aug 3, 2020

Thanks for the detailed answer @bhosadchod

Serco s123c Aug 3, 2020

As far as I know, the DS roles in Product, Analytics do not need core ML experience. The DS roles in Infrastructure are into using ML expertise of a person. So naturally these roles in Infra team are paid a little higher than the ones in product and Analytics.