HousingAug 22, 2017

Facebook Oculus Referral

I’m currently interviewing with a bunch of companies (big and small) but somehow Facebook has been ignoring me lol is there anyone that would be nice enough to refer me for a specific role I’m interested in? Thanks in advance

Facebook gJJA84 Aug 23, 2017

Why would someone put their reputation on the line for someone who they don't know? Serious question.

ABB HedNogg Aug 23, 2017

Yes, and thats how general elections work.

ABB HedNogg Aug 23, 2017

OP would you refer me at Apple?

ABB HedNogg Aug 23, 2017

Also, OP might not know alot of people at FB in real world and linkedIn is as good as Blind with respect to referral without knowledge. Infact, Blind is such a small community and even if a single generous (risk taker) makes a recommendation for OP, that would make his career. Good strategy.

Facebook gJJA84 Aug 23, 2017

Lol ok then refer them yourself

ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ Aug 23, 2017

Don't let your ego get in the way, all you're doing is missing out on the referral bonus by being a jerk. The recruiter isn't going to care. You're basically doing their job.

Noble Software Group MrBigs Aug 23, 2017

@gJJA84 stop being a pussy and give the OP a referral.

Workday SNatella Aug 23, 2017

Why are you interviewing at Oculus? Serious question

Apple AplIsDBst OP Aug 23, 2017

I’m interviewing with a couple of other big names and want to make sure I have also considered Facebook before saying yes to them (I don’t like changing jobs too often). The Oculus seems to be the only team that is hiring Firmware/Embedded engineers.

Workday SNatella Aug 23, 2017

Cool. Good luck mate!

Microsemi P5yduck May 31, 2018

Any update on this? I would like to know how the interview process was for this type of position. Thanks!