Tech IndustryApr 3, 2019

Facebook PM interview leveling and evaluation

Would be great if anybody can share a framework of how Facebook levels and evaluates the PM candidates during the interview process? Should I focus more on strategic aspects of the answer in product sense for a higher level? Thank you. Your information will be valuable for an upcoming interview. My Target: get an offer for L6/7 with a TC ~450K

DigitalOcean TC TC Apr 3, 2019

Current TC or GTFO

win369 OP Apr 3, 2019

How does it relate to current TC? Current level equivalent to L6 in a company like Amazon. Please contribute only if you have any constructive points to make. If not STFU.

Lyft lmpT52 Apr 4, 2019

Guess you are new to blind. It's a rule on blind to post your TC and level else you won't get any responses