Misc.Dec 22, 2018

Facebook bootcamp question

How long is Facebook bootcamp? I'm planning to take over a week of vacation soon after I join and want to time my start date so I can take the PTO right after bootcamp finishes. Would that fly?

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Juniper Gal Gaddot Dec 22, 2018

What is this bootcamp? Something specific to Facebook?

Google wocky OP Dec 22, 2018

Yes, it's training for new hires

Bloc cerealbox Dec 22, 2018

It’s 6 weeks. Just be upfront with the team and let them know you have a previously scheduled thing and they will understand

Facebook NopeNope! Dec 22, 2018

Bootcamp is as long as it needs to be. The main criteria for graduating are that you’ve completed team selection, and that your mentor is confident that you’ve learned all you need to sustain successful productivity at Facebook. Most people graduate in 6 to 8 weeks, some longer.

Oath pfqy46 Dec 22, 2018

Out of curiosity, are you judged there? As in, if you take 8 weeks or longer, is there a chance that they will dismiss you as a bad hire and would want to get rid of you.

Facebook NopeNope! Dec 22, 2018

It’s pretty rare. Your bootcamp mentor keeps tabs on your progress, but it’s more to evaluate if you need extra help and to see how you’re progressing. Bootcamp is not a second interview.

Facebook TimeSinks Dec 22, 2018

Your mentor monitors your progress in boot camp but helping you find teams you'd be interested in, help you narrow it down, and make sure you're making progress learning the ropes by doing small tasks. To my knowledge, you can't really fail boot camp and not get a team placement. However I'd not be surprised if they push out really bad hires here on the rare occasion they happen. Like if you show up and do nothing to progress team selection and work on zero boot camp tasks you'd probably not survive boot camp. Team selection is not suppose to be another interview that you need to pass. In theory, you are interviewing the teams. However, if a team doesn't like you, there are many things they can do to stop you from joining the team. And the reality is you probably wouldn't want to join a team that doesn't want you anyway. I've never hear of someone not being able to find a team, but it might happen.