Facebook interview DC

Got interview call from Facebook dc for SDE. Any advice on how to prepare for interview.? Started going through Leetcode Facebook tag questions.

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Uber DollarSign Nov 14, 2019

DC office interviews are no different than other FB location interviews. Search blind for how to prepare for Facebook questions. Mostly do all last 6 months FB tagged questions on Leetcode and be able to solve them in less than 10 mins. They ask 2 questions in every 45 mins round.

Google Bno99 Nov 25, 2019

Do they even expect you to do LC hard in ~25 mins? Or would one LC hard problem take up the whole interview?

Uber DollarSign Nov 25, 2019

Well even in a 45 mins interview, first 5 mins and last 5 mins are for questions and intro. So, you essentially have 35 mins. I’ve seen combinations of: - 1 medium and 1 easy - 2 mediums - 1 medium and hard follow up - 1 hard LC (not the easy hard ones) being asked in those 35 mins. So, I trained myself to solve all the FB tagged questions in less than 10 mins. It helps. Just put a timer. Also think about follow ups for each question.