Feeling Depressed Seeing People compensation

I earn 48L at Semiconductor (not Intel), but seeing people's compensation from software companies it feels like I suck. 4-5 years guys are now earning 45L base. Seeing people getting placed in Salesforce and their compensation in LC has sent me in shock. How come people with 9+ years are earning 65L in base? I am into system software and know C mostly. Though I have an understanding in C++ and Python. I have a good understanding of Kernel networking. It seems I made a wrong career decision. My YOE:8+ Do you also feel the same? #salesforce#depression #

JPMorgan Chase pu$syLover Nov 17, 2023

I can only imagine how you must be feeling. And the worst part is, it would be extremely difficult to switch hoping to match what swe folks are getting of your yoe

gv1010 Nov 17, 2023

compare and grow or compare and regret or just ignore and work for yourself

EPAM Systems unlucky😭@ Nov 17, 2023

Dude that it just top 0.01% kind of salary among SWE. You earn way more than majority of SWE for your YOE

Workday IamMukesh Nov 17, 2023

Anything that involves manufacturing a physical product will pay less than turning 0 and 1 into pure money even if job skill is changing the color of a button on a form

Apple peanuts& Nov 17, 2023

Everybody is depressed of something or the other. Trust me even Ambani is!!

Intel oBAI43 OP Nov 17, 2023

Tell me @apple what should be perspective now?

Apple peanuts& Nov 17, 2023

Apple hires people with C knowledge, kernel knowledge

Intel poMA02 Nov 17, 2023

Intel with their 🥜 I feel bad for you op, I am early career so please let me know if you have any advice, thanks!

Intel tgofb67 Nov 17, 2023

Op literally mentioned not at Intel in the post ....

T-Mobile uIUy75 Nov 17, 2023

A lot of it is just indian LARP

Intel sms075 Nov 18, 2023

Stop whining

Intel hsk86$ Nov 19, 2023

It’s not impossible to switch if you want to. I joined Intel as a process engineer and am now a software eng. Yes the TC is wayyy more. Study, up-skill and switch if you want that TC

Intel DwzP36 Nov 19, 2023

Are you SWE at Intel? Mind sharing grade and TC?

Intel hsk86$ Nov 19, 2023

Yes, G7, higher end of what’s on levels.fyi

Intel oBAI43 OP Nov 21, 2023

Can anyone point or suggest which tech stack will be good to start learning to move to app domain? I have good LC stats: Easy 135, Medium: 418, Hard: 79. I have functional knowledge of C++. 8 years back in college was good in JAVA, and had prepared for the Java OCP exam.