IndiaDec 15, 2023

Earning 35lpa in India at 28 age. Being ambitious, I wanted to be in the USA. Does the American dream still exist.

Current TC: ₹35 LPA fixed [IND] YOE: 5.5 I am right now 28 years old and want to pursue MS. But I'm kind of confused. Is this the right age to pursue MS now? As I will be graduating at 30 and after paying loan at 31 will be starting again from 0. Also VISA stress and marriage problem (Yes, I want to be stable at the right time) after 31, all the struggle in the USA. Is it worth going for MS now considering my current salary in India. Also I could use these 3 years to build something of my own in India. I am very much ambitious, love my work and want to grow. I have good salary, but not really happy with growth, always feels I could have done better in USA as you get better work and appreciated/promoted for your work/skills (correct me if I am wrong) which is very less in India. I feel my work is very easy and can do much better, but not getting such challenging/demanding projects. How is the scenario in the USA right now and will be. VISA stress hyped or is really the situation that much worse over there? Does American dream still exists? Should I still consider pursuing MS at this point? Or should consider option of applying for job to EU/UK directly from India. How realistic is it to get job directly from here in India. I could be earning less than USA but would be a lot stable. I do not want to stay in India. I want to live better lifestyle. #MS #Software #Help #CS #Engineering #SDE #google #microsoft #faang #amazon #tech #graduation #vmware #bytedance #apple #netflix

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Adobe crypticl Dec 15, 2023

I guess growth and promotions are faster in India than USA if you are looking only for that. I have seen that in the same company, USA employees are promoted slower than Indian counterparts.