HR IssuesMay 23, 2023

Fired now company trying to force me to sign

I was recently fired, and my company stated that I was to receive a severance package. I did not sign the severance package nor did I open it as of May being fired on 11th of May or so. There was no deadline presented to me at the time that I was fired for the severance package. The company went on a retreat and came back and this morning. I got an email stating that the severance offer will expire on June 1. I have not had a chance to speak with the EEOC yet to get a date and is this legal is this something that companies can do? There was no deadline given at first. This came the day after my manager acknowledged that I was a verbal processor on the Adhd spectrum. The closest eeoc place to me is Miami and there are no close appointments. Please give helpful advice or she’s light on what’s in my wheelhouse #hrissues

Google gnoogler May 23, 2023

OMG... 1. I am sorry to hear the trouble you are facing. 2. But, it sounds like you were let go, not fired - please be mindful of the term. 3. Also, can you hire a lawyer and talk to them instead? 4. I don't see why a company would want to wait till you get to talk to EEOC. Still, maybe if you send a written email/letter to them requesting to extend the deadline, maybe that will work? 5. I also didn't understand the correlation between EEOC and you being a verbal processor - were you trying to relate them or were they just 2 separate points?

Google elcamino9 May 23, 2023

What is the difference between let go and fired? I'd understand if it was laid off vs fired

Square XCA1p0zZ May 23, 2023

OP was neither fired nor "let go". "Let go" usually means you sign a severance offer, a mutual agreement to walk away. When a combination of firings and severance offers happens in bulk, that triggers some legal stuff called "layoffs". Some folks refer to being given severance as a "layoff", even when it's a oneoff. "Let go" can mean either firing or severance depending on the context. OP fucked up, he just stopped showing up to work without having been fired or given severance. He should talk to a lawyer to see if the situation can be recovered.

Google CodeWhore May 23, 2023

Sign the letter, get your severance move on with life. You don’t have time to deal with all this emotional baggage with this company. The sooner you put them in the rear view the better. Do you really think you can get more money out of them? Do you think they care one iota about you? They won’t even blink if you bring a lawsuit, they will drag it out as long as possible. All the while you are stressing over the whole thing. No thanks. Sign, get paid, gtfo. P.s. as a fellow neurodivergent, don’t wear your diagnosis on your sleeve. Nobody gives a rats ass about your (our) ADD.

maphash May 23, 2023

@op you should consider this advice from @google.

PVay18 OP May 23, 2023

While I appreciate your direct approach to the question I do feel you have me wrong. My claim with EEoc wouldn’t be about the money clearly it’s not about the money I was fired a few weeks ago and haven’t signed. My concern is that they are now trying to add a date for me to sign by which was sketchy to me so now I am feeling like it was about my adhd. I have documentation as well to support it. I learned that from my last situation. I wonder if we were in person would you speak with that tone. I can take it just wondering for all the other people who could miss the message because they are so turned off by the delivery. Yes I know I put this out there but today was a tough day and people should care about ADHD or any other issues people have because it could help a lot by understanding. Everyone deserves grace and I pray I am always human first in all my responses and interactions.

Rev fref May 23, 2023

Fight. These companies fight dirty. It also depends on what you have in terms of evidence of discrimination. But at least talk to an employment lawyer. They will atleast give you a better severance.

Unity dbdnm May 23, 2023

You were fired? Or laid off? Did they do this right after you disclosed your disability considerations?

Google elcamino9 May 23, 2023

Consideration? Which state protects ADHD people?

PVay18 OP May 23, 2023

Fired and yes literally the next day after the then manager acknowledged it.

Carvana one-of-us May 23, 2023

I don't think you have a case without evidence. If more people were laid off than just you, people without disabilities, that works against you, logically.

PVay18 OP May 23, 2023

It wasn’t a layoff though I know what a layoff is as that happened to me in December… this just feels weird

Investment Bank Glinda May 23, 2023

Hire an attorney who can likely get you a sweetened package to get you to go away. Two friends successfully did this with Microsoft. EEOC is useless, don't bother with that organization. If you are over 40 you must be given 21 days (45 days for a group termination) to review a severance agreement. If you are under 40, no minimum number of days is required.

VMware afhjfg May 23, 2023

do u have the name of the lawyer?

Square XCA1p0zZ May 23, 2023

Contact your state's bar association, they'll find you the right lawyer.

Google kachuva May 23, 2023

Lawyer up and fight

Addepar SCaP27 May 23, 2023

Wouldn’t it be dependent on why you were fired? It is hard for random people here to provide useful advice without knowing that. At the same time, you probably don’t want to disclose the reason here. So the best approach is to just hire a lawyer to get some professional advice.

PVay18 OP May 23, 2023

They didn’t disclose a real reason they said they didn’t have a pod for me but literally just hired me for the pod I was training on. I met with my manager late on Wednesday at the end of the day to do an assignment I checked my grade the next morning for that assignment which improved drastically from what it was for the previous assignment. We ended the call with her asking me about my adhd and her acknowledging that I’m a verbal processor like her sister. Then nothing all day from her until the meeting with Hr.

VIZIO couchtato May 23, 2023

So much irrelevant background info…

Launchdarkly gRvQ46 May 23, 2023

OP, I'm sorry that this happened to you. Have you had a direct conversation with the HR person? I know that you spoke to your manager, but I'm wondering if you could request more time from HR to explore your options. Another thing to consider, ADHD is absolutely covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you were having performance issues (not sure that was the case) and your manager was aware that you had ADHD, your HR person should have discussed with you whether an ADA accommodation was appropriate. If you still want to work at this company (not sure that I would), I would suggest bringing this up with HR to ask for direct feedback on why you were let go, and remind them that you are entitled to an accommodation. If you are not interested in exploring that, then you might be able to use this to put pressure on them to increase your severance amount. If you want to explore accommodations further, the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is fabulous! ( they have a phone number where you can call and talk to an expert for free to get advice. Best of luck to you!