
Citizens blaming H-1B and GC

You’re worried about 65k new H-1B engineers a year, when down south you get 2,000,0000 illegal entries into the country — every single year for the past 4 years. The entire Chinese and Indian GC backlog for the past 15 years is far smaller than 1 year of illegal immigration. Please get some perspective, and stop scapegoating. Thx. #h1b #immigration

Salesforce @all Jan 31


Vanguard aMbG73 Jan 31

How many of those non-English speaking Latinos will become SWEs/PMs/Data Scientists?

Spotify Gengaar Jan 31

You see how the blame game is biased.

Intel eMqt55 Jan 31


Amazon d532ifb6if Jan 31

I'm a citizen who is not scapegoating. The border should be closed, for national security reasons. OP, can I get a referral for Netflix? Thanks!

Google jessiy Jan 31

Say referral to a Netflixer and they disappear lol

KS2 Technologies SeiK25 Jan 31

You should not have mentioned you are a citizen. Referrals are not for us.

Google nmdO14 Jan 31

The illegal immigrants aren’t competing with them. They’re fine with illegals because illegals do work for them. And they stay away from their life. You wont find many of them in fancy bars and restaurants but you do find skilled immigrants there. There isn’t much principle at play no matter how much people try to pretend. The more layoffs happen the more the truth will be revealed.

Microsoft hY74hCi Jan 31

Most Americans are not fine with illegal immigration. Love legal immigration.

Block blondegirq Jan 31

Republican and maybe some dems want illegals because restaurants depend on illegal labor. They just lie about this shit in public to have a story

Amazon azxsc Jan 31

They took our jobs!

LinkedIn I am a Cat Jan 31

To be fair, illegals do not do tech jobs. They only do jobs that either nobody wants to do for the wage, or they compete mostly with the working class. Also, illegals keep inflation low for the middle class. I bet regular people are more hostile towards tech people in general.

Microsoft coolio2910 Jan 31

Ignorant comments through and through. There is a legal cap, by LAW, regardless of number of registrations ONLY 85k H1Bs are issued every year. There could be a million registrations, (which by the way will go down this year because USCIS has come up with new regulations to stop multiple registrations), only 85k can be issued and across industries not just tech. Can the H1B program be improved by getting rid of lottery system to ensure top talent is hired? Absolutely yes! But a healthy level of immigration is required for growth, always. Otherwise there is a high risk of jobs being outsourced, which could have worse implication to the job market, even more so than current layoffs. Corporations don’t care about economy, they care about profits and if they can’t get talent here the next logical step is they will go outside. Get some facts and perspective before you make such outlandish comments and lose your sanity!

Epic SQUy66 Jan 31

Who cares if it's only 85k a year, after a decade those 85k every year adds up

Microsoft coolio2910 Jan 31

And you’re saying US will crank out same number of high skilled graduates every year to meet demand? You’re so out of touch with reality. Go get an economics 101 before you make random comments on internet.

Epic SQUy66 Jan 31

It's not 65k, it's 85k and it's 85k every year. Add that up and it's 1 million+ h1bs after 12 years

Microsoft coolio2910 Jan 31

And you’re saying US will crank out 1 million high skilled graduates in the next 12 years? You’re so out of touch with reality.

Imagination Technologies CCCPlant Jan 31

I do know that whatever graduates it does produce will be competing against H1bs since FAANGs prefer disposable obedient foreign labor.

Amazon Usd2Bit$h Jan 31

We are complaining about those 2 million and all of H1b as it is not just 65k, there is wife and the kids and the mom and the dad and the siblings and the inlaws list goes on. Multiply that by years. 2million is very small.

Amazon Usd2Bit$h Jan 31

They take cheap jobs you work around to take high profile jobs. Remember H1 is a cheap labor category.

Amazon youpsi2.0 Jan 31

Most of them are in FAANG. How are they cheap?