HR IssuesNov 14, 2018

Frontend or backend?

as a new grad where can i move up/promote faster? i am taking a fang backend entry level job but i feel like many people start at frontend and move up quicker

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Ramdevbaba Nov 14, 2018

You can solve some really complex scalability issues with Backend . Nothing like that with front end, besides front end Technologies change faster than I could change my pants

LinkedIn qatest Nov 14, 2018

"Complex scalability issue" - dont fool yourself, most issues at backend are commonly solved problem(s) centered around crud operation. The only one who do complex scalability issue is probably like 0.5% of the whole industry. That being said i do agree frontend has a lot fewer scalability issue and even when they do its not as challenging as backend scalability issue.

nfs Nov 14, 2018

The role doesn't make you get promoted faster. Being good at what you do, does.

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Facebook javascrypt Nov 14, 2018

Lol what statistics

Cookiessss Nov 14, 2018

U know

ghosted! Nov 14, 2018

Guys generally like backend, too painful for girls though

Facebook Gyenda Nov 14, 2018

Makes sense

Gusto Priusx Nov 14, 2018

At Gusto it seems that most female engineers specialize in backend.

Airbnb avqx65 Nov 14, 2018

Do whatever you like and are good at