Sr Product Manager to Project Manager at Kearney

In final interviews and they seem to be hinting at a role. They keep quoting my new position as a Project Manager working on specific client facing projects. This is different from an associate consultant right? This is a supporting role and not a role that leads to a director track?#consulting #kearney

Albertsons reddy-1997 Feb 6, 2023

They maybe blurring the lines when they are distinct swim lanes. Very different roles for sure but go with it if you need the job

Micron sammysoty OP Feb 6, 2023

I don’t need the job. So does that mean I should fight it?

basslure Feb 6, 2023

What is the title you applied for? Just ask for clarification?

Micron sammysoty OP Feb 6, 2023

Project Manager