
Amazon SDE II vs Workday P3

I currently work at Amazon, but have an offer from Workday. I really would like to leave Amazon as I feel I’m not in the best work environment. I only get 48-72 hours to accept the offer and I would have to move for the role to Seattle. Everything sounds good at workday but I feel I’m taking a cut 30% in TC which I don’t mind. Should I accept the offer or keep interviewing at other companies? If I do keep interviewing I’m afraid I won’t have this workday offer.#tech #Amazon #workday

Workday lowTC70 May 7

Post rough offer or dm and I’ll let you know if it’s lowball or not.

Amazon amzn1017 OP May 7

Dmed you

Microsoft spoiledev May 7

Workday Seattle?

Workday lowTC70 May 7

They are launching a new Seattle office. You might be able to catch a open req if you check periodically

Amazon bNHO33 May 7

Moving to Seattle and taking a pay cut? That doesn't sound like a good option.

Amazon amzn1017 OP May 7

Even for a internal switch to Seattle I had to take a pay cut previously

Amazon bNHO33 May 8

Where did you move from? Seattle is expensive

Workday wid$ May 10

P3 range is huge. Depending on how the interview goes you have some good wiggle room