Do you think boeing is putting hits on whistleblowers?

I didn't think too much after the first one died, but now a second one has died, and it seems more sus now.

104 Participants
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Microsoft Minamato May 6

Obviously. There will be high end agencies that can make the death look very natural.

Integral Ad Science Whoop! May 6

They got a deal with Russia, spare parts for alternative payment methods.

UiPath jlRp25 May 6

the 4th largest defense contractor in the world? what do you think 😂

Pinterest UK$zs31 May 6

We should really stop using defense contractor and call it what it is: a war contractor lol

Cruise nowanpc May 6

And there will be no repercussions, because capitalism.

Lockheed Martin Warbirds May 6

Ah- unlike the golden human rights track record of socialism, right?

Cruise nowanpc May 6

Ah, you mean authoritarianism. And you realize socialism and capitalism aren’t the only choices, right?

Northrop Grumman carti_fan May 7

people vastly overestimate the competency of defense contractors